Trends in modernen Online-Casinos für Spieler aus Deutschland
Typisch für neue Deutsche Online-Casino-Marken
- Regulierung und Lizenzierung: Neue Marken sind häufig durch die deutsche Glücksspielaufsicht reguliert und besitzen eine gültige Lizenz, um den strengen gesetzlichen Anforderungen zu entsprechen.
- Moderne Technologie: Sie nutzen aktuelle Technologien und innovative Plattformen, um ein reibungsloses Spielerlebnis und hohe Sicherheitsstandards zu gewährleisten.
- Lokale Zahlungsmethoden: Integration gängiger deutscher Zahlungsmethoden wie Giropay, Sofortüberweisung und PayPal ist üblich, um den Spielern bequeme und sichere Transaktionen zu ermöglichen.
- Boni und Promotions: neuen online casinos bieten oft attraktive Willkommensboni und Promotions, um sich von etablierten Anbietern abzuheben und neue Kunden zu gewinnen.
- Benutzerfreundlichkeit: Die Benutzeroberfläche ist in der Regel intuitiv und auf mobile Geräte optimiert, um den Spielern ein komfortables Erlebnis auf allen Geräten zu bieten.
- Spieleanbieter: Partnerschaften mit renommierten Spieleanbietern sorgen für eine breite Palette an hochwertigen Spielen, darunter Slots, Tischspiele und Live-Casino-Angebote.
- Kundenservice: Ein engagierter Kundenservice, oft mit deutschsprachigen Support-Mitarbeitern, wird bereitgestellt, um den Spielern bei Fragen oder Problemen schnell zu helfen.
who we are
Consulting Meets Education

IXL Center has 10 offices around the world

Innovety has proudly served a growing base of 150 Clients Across MENA
Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Kuwait, Qatar & Saudi Arabia

sectors we served
Real Estate
Innovety’s innovation engagement significantly helped our sales team at RAYA IT Distribution Department define new segments they can address, generate new revenue streams and identify innovative ways to enhance our customer relationship. My team can now think methodologically about how to build new business concepts.

Our engagement with Innovety was really excellent and very interactive and customized to our needs. Highly appreciated. Innovety put tremendous effort at the backstage, very knowledgeable about various business models. It was great that they satisfied around 8 or 9 new and different business models for us

By the end of our engagement with Innovety, our team had built business concepts around new products, services, and business models. Prioritization of these business concepts followed and Innovety did an excellent job bringing the idea fragments together and giving our people the skills to do it on their own.

An eye-opening experience to a whole new digital world full of potential.

Our engagement with Innovety made us appreciate what it takes to have a better presence in the digital world. Although we are usually top-listed in the Internet search results, our work with Innovety exposed us to the unknown areas of digital strategy, and they are a lot!

Our digital strategy work with Innovety was a real eye opener. It made us realize that it is a huge new world out there. We really appreciated the science behind it

I loved Innovety’s capacity building workshops. They knowledge and value are tremendous

This is a great experience. It is far beyond online marketing and social media. It is a complete mindset change, strategy deployment that could revolutionize businesses. Highly recommended to everyone!

The digital marketing engagement was very well done, well planned and the tools & material were perfectly organized!

Throughout the engagement, our company not only learned about how to address consumer’s needs but more importantly how we can influence their choices and correctly position our products.

I think that Innovety is the first to introduce a packaging innovation services in Egypt and it is very successful. I hope many companies can benefit from their services in the future the same way we did

Our company learned and was able to apply a variety of consumer psychology tactics from its engagement with Innovety. It was truly beneficial.

Our work on packaging innovation with Innovety was really interesting particularly when they opened our eyes to 16 design principles that we can apply to our products. This engagement gave us a very good framework to guide our thinking process around designing a new package. This will definitely help us improve and maximize our design efforts.

Before Innovety’s work with us, we used to run unstructured brainstorming sessions to meet our design challenges or come up with more innovative ideas. Now, we have a clear process on how to approach problems and how to systematically generate more ideas for our product concepts

Innovety’s work with us was very beneficial and have helped us adopt a more systematic rather than the intuitive approach to product design. The presented principles will certainly help designers as well as engineers come up with better and more innovative ideas.

Would you like to speak to one of our consultants over the phone? Just submit your details and we’ll be in touch shortly. You can also email us if you would prefer.
Villa 23, District 13 - 1st Neighborhood, In front of Al Rabwa Compound, El Sheikh Zayed, Egypt
+202 38956549/8
110 Cambridge Street, Cambridge, MA, USA 02141