About Us - Innovety

About Innovety

Innovety is a consulting firm that specializes in innovation management and digital marketing strategy. Focusing on Strategy, People and Technology, we help our clients from government and private sector unleash their innovation potential by empowering them to develop innovative solutions, leading them to grow, compete and excel in their respective industries

We come from a strong heritage in management consulting and management education, giving us profound hands-on knowledge of Egypt’s innovation landscape, on the one hand through real market experience, and on the other hand through our longstanding role in academia, delivering innovation and entrepreneurship training and coaching to > 20,000 students/innovators.

Our experiential capacity building programs enable our clients to build innovation capabilities and drive result-based engagement around digital innovation. Our unique learning curriculum, supported by client-tested tools helps achieve measurable results. In addition, Innovety offers its clients practical online modules to reinforce learning. The simulations are remarkably teachable, with simple but powerful administration tools.

Innovety assesses the innovation and learning capabilities of organizations and identifies their readiness to become innovative. Not only do we identify strengths and weaknesses within the organization, we also benchmark your organization to your industry’s best in class. That gives our clients a unique opportunity to understand where they are positioned in the competitive landscape and determine areas and opportunities for growth.
Innovety is the Cairo office of the IXL center, the Boston-based center for innovation, excellence and leadership that builds innovation and innovation management capabilities of executives, teams and organizations. As such, we deliver world-class innovation management content developed by leading innovation management consultants and innovation experts from around the world.

In partnership with the Global Innovation Management Institute, Innovety offers innovation management certification programs that are designed to offer fresh perspectives and proven methodologies to professionals in many different areas of business, including marketing, technology, finance and sales. Certified candidates will represent a unique cadre of trained innovators with the proven ability to understand and manage innovation across and beyond the organization.

Sample of our clients

Over the past 7 years, Innovety has helped businesses imagine and build their future. This rotated around 4 core services that have delivered to over 150 clients

Innovation: Strategy – Technology – People

Innovety provides a range of services to assist our clients in their critical steps towards achieving growth by developing innovative growth strategies, creating new business concepts, implementing innovative digital strategies, creating new channels or integrating new technologies. We believe that the greatest potential a company or organization has lies in the innovative capacity of its people. That is why we help our clients assess their innovation potential and build the capacity of their team, channeling their innovation potential into new business concepts, and taking their offerings successfully to market.

Innovety is an award-winning organization

Google Advanced Certification in AdWords

Certified by GIMI for innovation consultancy

Certified Experts by the European Innovation Management Academy

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