Product & Packaging Innovation - Innovety
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Product & Packaging Innovation23 Design Principles To Creative Products

Ever wondered how can you set your products apart from the crowd? If you are looking for effective ways to boost your sales, then you might want to consider developing a new product or give your existing ones an uplift.

Founded in 1994, Del Sol has become an iconic brand of color-changing cloth, nail polish, and accessories. The idea of creating products that change their color when exposed to the Sunlight was revolutionary. From a small retail cart to Disney’s partnership, Del Sol has expanded its distribution channels and maintained a sales growth of 116% for 2014. We have gathered world-class tools that companies such as Ford, P&G, Xerox, Samsung and Bosch used to continuously innovate their products.

This methodology is as applicable to product design, as it is for packaging.

During our intervention, we will walk you through 23 design principles that will help your business design new products & packages, and enhance old ones. We will provide you with hands-on experience and the necessary tools to solve your design challenges.

So, what are we promising You?

Establish 10 new actionable product and/or packaging designs

Equip your teams with the tools to improve any product/package

Expedite your upgraded products’ time to market

Identify materials, shapes and colors that appeal to the consumer

Create a readable and informative package label

Stimulate customer senses through effective typography and graphics

Our Step-By-Step ProcessExample: Redesign the pack

Step One: Define a problem
Customers struggle to get their hands inside the ships tube.

How can they easily reach for the chips when the tube is half done?

Step Two: Break the package into subsystems
Pringles package can be divided into 3 parts: lid, bottom & body

packaging innovation process step 1

Step Three: Pick a set of design principles
1. Segmentation
2. The other way round
3. Parameter change

Step Four: Formulate your design concepts

Concept 1: Using the segmentation principle, the new design allows for the removal of the finished part.

packaging step 4
packaging step 4 concept 2

Concept 2: Using the other way around principle, the new design can a tab to lift the chips instead of squeezing your hands down the tube.

Concept 3: Using the parameter change principle, we can replace the tube-shaped with an expandable bowl.

packaging step 4 concept 3

Sample from our 23 principles

Success Stories From Our ClientsNo More Sludgy Tahina!

One of the leading FMCG’s in the MENA region. One of the challenges that faced the company was that its Tahina gets sludgy when exposed to air. They have noticed that about 25% of the jar is wasted. The company wanted to create a new package, one that would keep their Tahina fresh and less exposed to air to reduce the waste.

Working closely with the leading company, Innovety created a new jar that would keep Tahina paste fresh and smooth.

How Did We Do It?
Once the problem was clearly articulated, we decomposed the package to 2 subsystems: top lid and container. Using the segmentation principle, we divided the package to two containers with two lids on each side. Once the first part is finished, the consumer can simply remove it entirely, turn the jar upside down and enjoy the second container.

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